how to budget using an iPad | digital budget planner set up tutorial

by - December 16, 2021



This is DT creative group and I make  Goodnotes templates.

There are a lot of times when you don't know where you're spending your money.

So with this planner, I will show you how to create a budget planner so that you can spend your money more efficiently!

What is the purpose of writing a budget plan? 

Are you just writing down the money you spend?

It's invisible to see what money is being used for.

Setting your budget plan is ti understand the flow of such money.

So you can cut down on unnecessary expenses!

And spend it within your budget goals!

That is the purpose of writing your budget planner. 

There is a classic book that I think is the most basic among books on how to write budget planner and how to manage money.

It’s called ‘The Four Bankbooks”

The money management method from the book is applied in this account book

Having Four bankbooks is to distinguish the use of money.

As soon as you receive the monthly salary to your bank account, 

transfer your money into four bankbooks that you distinguished. 

The salary bankbook, savings bankbook, consumption bankbook and emergency savings bankbook. 

When you receive your monthly salary, distinguish the savings and then live with the rest of the money. 

And for your emergency savings for example, it can be used for sudden congratulatory money.

If you didn’t use this money, this is money that can be saved as a ‘savings’. 

The rest is transferred to the consumption bankbook.

I once again divide the consumption bankbook into a fixed spending bankbook 

and a variable spending bankbook.

Fixed expenses are money that is spent for fixed payments. 

Variable spending is like your pocket money, 

your usual consumption that you can save if you plan to save.

Now, I will explain the details while writing the budget planner!

Go to the monthly page.

At the bottom left of the monthly page

press Monthly Financial then you can transfer 

to the monthly budget planner page. 

And on the weekly page

Click the Weekly Financial button at the bottom of the week

and you can transfer to the weekly page.

I will show you the monthly budget planner page!

There are sections for income, fixed expenses, savings and investment, and emergency savings.

As I said earlier in this part

When the monthly salary comes into your account, it is divided into four areas like this.

When I made this example of using the budget planner, I set it as office worker, single woman, and wrote it down as an example!

First, write down your monthly salary, which is a fixed income,

and write down the  non-fixed income, part-time job, or a dividend.

And write down your fixed expenses for fixed payments.

For me, I included Netflix and Youtube subscriptions as communication fee. 

You can't help but buy a cup of coffee all the time while working.

This was also included as a maintenance cost for my work life.

If you are not married you have to pay all your household bills.

Gas, maintenance, etc. are all fixed expenses from your account. 

And since I’m a business owner, I take taxes as fixed expenses in advance.

Taxes that are to be levied in a year are divided into 12 in advance and set aside as fixed expenses.

So, I decided to write it down virtually as a single working woman.

Emergency savings are also applicable to expenses 

such as sudden congratulatory money that are suddenly discharged.

Travel expenses are not essential, so it could turn into emergency savings.

You might not able to pay for sudden congratulatory money, 

or you may not travel. 

That means you have an extra emergency savings.

If you don't use it, that money can be saved!

In the savings section, write down your savings and investments.

As soon as you get your paycheck, set aside the money to save,

so you can spend the rest of the money. 

Savings and investment tendencies vary from person to person.

If you need to save money that you need in the future, 

and if you are looking for something stable, 

then it is installment savings account with a clear guarantee of principal.

I mainly buy US stocks, but the way to make money with stocks is to find low-valued stocks, buy them at a low price, and sell them high.

I don't do that, I buy and collect bestsellers

For example, I tend to buy giant blue-chip stocks like Google or Apple and Microsoft and accumulate them for a long time.

On the wish list, write down the things you want to buy and write it down 

while thinking about the importance to avoid impulsive purchases.

On No Money Day, you can check the day of the month when you didn't spend money.

You can set goals such as "I'll live with No Money Day 5 times a month." and try to fulfill them!

And the reason we're recording like this is to evaluate, right?

And we record it to get better!

Make sure to evaluate this month after the month.

And consumer spending!

Now~~~ Consumption expenditure is the amount of money minus savings, investment, 

fixed expenses, and emergency savings from the monthly salary.

It's money you can spend whatever you want.

Divide this into 4 equal parts and write them down.

Then you get a budget for the week.

There are cases where a month has 5 weeks, but it continues with the first week of the next month.

So I'm only writing for 4 weeks.

And when you actually use it...

Realistically, when you need to spend more in your consumption expenditure, 

you take it from emergency fund and use it!

And if there's any remaining consumption expenditure, we’ll put it into an emergency savings.

It's like saying that you should go on a trip by saving money this month.

Supplementing each other like that is an emergency savings.

This is what your emergency fund is for!

Even if I end up spending more, it protects me from tampering with other fixed expenses or savings!

Then, with this weekly budget for consumption expenditure, write the weekly budget planner. 

Let’s go to the weekly page.

Write down the budget and the goal is to live within this budget for a week. 

I divided this by 7 once more and wrote the budget for each day 

in the daily budget box. 

That way, as you spend your day, you will spend consciously of your budget for the day. 

If you want to spend more, you will spend less tomorrow to balance it out.

I clearly marked my daily budget with a highlighter.

And write down what you plan to spend in the budget section here.

You can predict who you will meet or what your money will be spent on, 

and you can make a plan.

It is used to reduce unplanned consumption.

Below is the actual consumption.

As I use it, I feel that I spend a lot more than I planned.

There was a lot of self-reflection.

And when you look at the week after writing it down, 

draw what was unnecessary consumption with a highlighter pen!

Then you can see your spending habit more clearly!

It takes more time to write a budget planner like this by hand rather than being automatically recorded with card details, but the good thing is that you have time to think while writing it.

You can clearly understand more psychologically wrong consumption patterns.

If you click the tab Financial at the top, 

pages related to the budget planner will appear.

In particular, a page that I would like you to use is the Fixed Expense Calendar, 

which writes down when and to which bank each month's money goes out. 

So, especially when a large amount of money, such as a loan or installment, is withdrawn, 

you can prepare while watching the date approaching.

In the space below where you do not write the date, 

you write down what is going out by credit card.

You don't have to pay on the day the money is withdrawn, 

you'll have to pay the money included in the card payment date.

Pages like the savings plan, 

you can see the accumulated amount while saving in advance 

not only saving, but also various large amounts of money.

In this way, 

you can view the budget planner page at once in the financial tab.

Well, this is all about the budget planner!

In 2022 while using the budget planner,

I wish you all to be rich and prosper!

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